Add "Send to Pieces" Keyboard Shortcut

  1. Make sure you have the latest versions of Pieces OS, Pieces for Developers and the Pieces for JetBrains Plugin

  2. Open IntelliJ Settings

  3. Within IntelliJ Settings Navigate to KeyMap > Plugins > Pieces > Send to Pieces

  4. Double-click "Send to Pieces" and select "Add Keyboard Shortcut"

  5. Add your preferred shortcut (Mine is Control+Option+P)

  6. Click "OK" in the Keyboard Shortcut Dialog

  7. Click "APPLY" in the Settings Dialog

  8. Click "OK" to dismiss the Settings Dialog

Add "Send to Pieces" Touch Bar Shortcut

  1. Make sure you have the latest versions of Pieces OS, Pieces for Developers and the Pieces for JetBrains Plugin

  2. Open IntelliJ Settings

  3. Within the IntelliJ settings, navigate to Appearance & Behavior > Menus and Toolbars > Touch Bar > Default

  4. Select an action you want to set your icon next to, click + on top of the list and select Add Action

  5. Select Send to Pieces (you can search it easily using top search bar)

  6. Click "OK" in the Choose Actions To Add Dialog

  7. Click "OK" to save changes and dismiss the Settings Dialog